What to Get? Determining the Best Electronic Cigarette Type for You

Published by Paul Larter on 17th Mar 2014

E cigs in UK have risen in popularity. In a study done by Professor Chris Bullen, the people who participated in their research have shown more enthusiasm about it than nicotine patches, another contemporary alternative to tobacco smoking. These devices are fuelled by e-liquid – a mixture of distilled water, nicotine, and artificial flavours – which in turn produces vapor, hence the term “vaping.”

It is easy to get lost in the abundance of e-cigs in the market. Alyssa Sparks of Healthcare Global helps explain some of the more popular types:


These e-cigs resemble traditional sticks most, and only differ with the way they work. As the name suggests, this type can be thrown away after use.


These cigarettes are not only cost-effective, but also reliable. While the tobacco smoker depends on packs, the rechargeable e-cig smoker may be able to use the same stick more than twice.

Variable Vaporizers

Like the rechargeable kind, this is also reliable due to its stronger batteries and variety of setting modes. The smoker can control the amount of e-liquid that goes on the stick, and the amount vaped.

E-cig companies like VapeTime UK play a major role in continuing the trend. By offering e-cigarette starter kit products, for example, a company may be able to aid someone in determining whether vaping could be something that he would enjoy over tobacco products. The best electronic cigarette comes with pure ingredients, and from stringent quality checks. These methods assure the quality of the product, sure to be enjoyed by its rapidly growing fanbase.

(Source: Know the types before choosing E-cigarettes for your health, Healthcare Global, 3 Feb 2014)